Melissa Chiu, new Director of the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, poses for a portrait in the Hirshhorn Sculpture Garden in Washington, Thursday, Oct. 23, 2014. (Drew Angererfor The New York Times)
D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier with the Metropolitan Police Department's first bloodhound, Sam, in Washington, Thursday, Aug. 29, 2013. (Drew Angerer for The New York Times)
Abdul Rahman Nashnoush, Libyan-American with family caught in the cross fire in Tripoli; Reston, Virgina. (for the Washington Times)
Republican Presidential candidate and Representative from Texas Ron Paul; Washington, D.C. (for the Washington Times)
Mohamed Habib Mejri; Alexandria, Virginia. (for The New York Times)
Al Hinton, Robert E. Lee impersonator, Bull Run, Virginia. (for the Washington Times)
Sugarcane grower James Shine, the 2009 Agri-Industrial Man of the Year; South Florida. (for The Palm Beach Post)
Todd Crespi, Supreme Court sketch artist; Washington, D.C. (for The New York Times)
John Fremer of Caveon Test Security, specializing in catching cheaters on standardized tests; Washington, D.C. (for The New York Times)
Former Senator Scott Brown of Massachusetts; Washington, D.C. (for the Associated Press)
Gay Republican Activists of GOProud Jimmy LaSalvia and Chris Barron; Washington, D.C. (for The New York Times)
Fisherman Ian Bruce; Berwick-Upon-Tweed, U.K.